Pregnancy vs. Creativity

In general, I am a very creative and frantic person.  I lap those two together because while being creative and working on projects I become quite frantic.  The franticity comes when things aren't coming together quite like I'd like them to and I debate giving up.  Sometimes there isn't even a debate, I just decide to scrap what I've done so far and start over, or I give up all together.  This is a part of me that I could live without.

During this pregnancy, my hormones have been out of control.  I am 100 percent worse when it comes to trying to keep my cool and rolling with the punches.  I cry at the drop of a hat, or stitch and it's hard to regain my cool.

I would really love to work on this but it seems almost impossible when I know how overwhelming the pregnancy hormones really are.  But, it's worth a try.  I am unable to take any medications, and if I am able to be on a low does anxiety medication I'd prefer not to be while I'm pregnant. So my only options are to try to remain calm, lay off the caffiene and work on accepting when things don't go as planned.


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