BOLD Intentions II

At the end of November I blogged a little bit about my bold intentions for December and I'm back ready to share a little of my progress.  We are just out of the first week of December and I am already at a point of not feeling guilty about putting my projects in front of responsibilites around the home front.  The first week, though rough, was filled with possibilities.

Day 1, Kyle left for work and I poured myself a glass of iced coffee excited for the possibilities of the day.  I reverted to the couch where I started reading Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver.  Times before when sitting down to read, my mind would flood with everything aside from what I was reading.  "The dishes need done," "The laundry needs folding," and "Is that a scuff on the floor, I just mopped," were just a few of the many intrusions. This time I was able to relax and enjoy the words that flow so nicely in this book.  If you haven't read it, I highly suggest it.  Though interesting, it does take a few chapters to really capture the tone of this book.  And if you're a fan of nature this is your book.

Day 2,  another cup of jo was poured and I grabbed my Christmas present from Kyle.  We caved and handed them over early, second year in a row I might add.  I'd been saying how awful my camera on my phone was and that I wish I had an actual digital camera.  So the black friday shopper in Kyle set out on a quest to find a reasonably priced and efficient camera for when baby gets here.  He succeeded.  Camera in hand I started taking photos and looking at different tips on photography 101.  I started with the home front and trying to capture all that I could before uploading them to the computer to edit.  Here's a few, so far.  This was one of my first pictures, and although it took about twenty of the same photo I'm very pleased that you can even see the lens in coffee.

Day 3 was similar to day 1, I finished another book I had recently started on.  The Compound by S.A. Bodeen was at the top of my list after reading some reviews on Goodreads.  The book had some interesting parts but it lacked the thrill that I was looking for.  It also didn't give you enough time to become invested in the characters.  But I do plan on reading the second to this novel.  I finished this book within a couple of days and it was still an enjoyable read.  

Once finished with the novel I was back to taking and editing photos.  This is such a great way to reduce some of my stress and to sit and relax at my computer.  I am definitely more of a visual learner so the more time I have practicing the better I believe I am getting.  I have absolutely fallen in love with this Christmas present and I can't wait to have a beautiful baby to practice on!

Days 4 and 5 were spent doing errands and household chores.  It has to get done sometime.  I ran a few errands, gathered some coupons for an impromptu grocery trip, and picked up around the house.  I also started working on our bedroom that desperately needed some attention.  Since we moved, I have focused more on what people would be seeing when they came in the door, and also more on the nursery.  Those rooms are under control now and the bedroom has been haunting me to get finished.  Though, not nearly finished I am making progress with it, and once the baby comes and I feel like a functioning human in society again I plan to renovate much more.  Our bedroom, kitchen, and both offices need help, and I can't wait to tackle them!

Just some of the headway that has been made in the first week of December and I'm looking forward to carrying out my bold intentions into the new year.  What are your bold intentions?


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