Saturday is a blessing in disguise. My first thoughts of Saturdays were filled with anxiety and doubt. The only day I have to myself to spend doing what I love was daunting. I spend the weeks saying to myself “Saturday, I will write! I will go to a quiet, darling park filled with blooms and rustling trees and I will let myself go.” Saturday nears closer and the anxiety sets in. “There is always next Saturday.” Afraid I will not be up to what I want to achieve I give in and let Saturdays win. Saturdays have no idea that they are in competition with my self esteem and that they are in the lead. This Saturday is different. Spent with an old friend, (years known, not age). A birthday lunch was a treat for us because of our lack of keeping in touch. Talks over tea and avocado sandwiches followed by antiquing was definitely my kind of Saturday afternoon, or any afternoon for that matter. We shared stori...
So, forgive me, I'm attempting to type a blog post via iPhone in one hand and a sleeping baby in the other. Lately, I have been reflecting on my lifestyle and I've come to the conclusion that I've made some wrong choices for my body, my health, my emotional state, and my family. I've also come to terms with needing to make some major changes on a slow but steady pace. My first goal is downsizing. To go a little further I'm talking about minimizing, decluttering, living with less excess in my life. The excess I am speaking of is anything from too many pairs of shoes or scarves to too many magazine subscriptions. My husband and I have donated six large garbage bags of STUFF. That seems like quite some excess to me. Sadly, I am no where near finished or at the place I would like to be, but I will get there. If anyone else is interested in downsizing some clutter in their own lives I definitely recommend sproutandblossom YouTube channel and her blog, as well....
My family and I took our first camping trip of 2018 this past weekend. It was also a first camp for our son Henry, 1. This was Eleanor's fourth time, I believe. Here are some photos from our weekend getaway.
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