Over Planning; Take a break
I am a planner if there ever was one. Let me explain. I plan out to plan out what I need to plan out. Make sense? Good! This past week hasn't been the greatest but it hasn't ended with the sweetest surprises. I've made the last few weeks all about my plans. What I wanted for my week, what I needed to finish, what I had to get started on, and how it all worked into my all ready laid out schedule. I was taken by surprise when I found out that none of my plans would fall into place as I expected them to. You know those weird feelings you get when something big is going to happen, or an almost gut wrenching feeling that tugs at your heart? That was my Tuesday. Wednesday I found out my expected and planned for full time job would no longer be in my future plans. I was heart broken and stressed. Above all, I was hurt. I soon let my tears do their time, and decided that it was meant to be, no matter how badly ...